Looney Featured in Forbes -- Banks Have To Rebuild And Rebrand -- Or Bail Out →
Looney Featured in QSR Magazine - How Fast Food Brands Can Build Lasting Digital Campaigns →
Looney View #5: Iceland
When we exited the plane in Iceland, we walked right onto the runway. It was dark, windy, cold and snowing sideways. There was a very tall woman that worked for IcelandAir who welcomed us by shouting into the howling wind, “This is Iceland!”.
Top Neuromarketing Trends to Watch in 2017
Brainstorming is a Complete Waste of Time
It’s taken 75 years to prove that Brainstorming doesn’t really work. Anyone that’s really capable of generating ideas discovered this about 5 minutes after their first session, but if you ever said it out loud, especially in a big corporation, you risk sounding like a complete, self-righteous, egotistical ass.
The Top Social Media Trends of 2016
Social media has continued to evolve with new features, applications and experiences on each major platform. As these major platforms overlap we will begin to watch some of the larger players erode faster than you can say MySpace.
Explosion of Virtual Reality and Wearable Technology
Virtual reality. Augmented reality. 360-degree video. Telepresence robots. Smart glasses. With the explosion of new media and product offerings, how do we tell them apart? The main thing that distinguishes each of these media options is whether you are a spectator or a participant in the experience. Here’s the run down:
Closing the Loop: Facebook Launches Tool to Measure Success of Local Advertising in Real Time
In 2015 Facebook initiated Local Awareness Ads, an advertising tool that allows businesses to specifically target Facebook users in close proximity to their location. This function ensures that small companies and local businesses are reaching the audience they need to access most – the consumers right in their neighborhood.
Snapchat’s new Memories feature changes the game for marketers.
Snapchat built a company on posts that would be gone in the blink of an eye. The new Memories feature now allows users to save their favorite snaps. While this has shocked some in the industry, it’s a natural progression to engage an audience.We all want memories to last, right?
Spector: the Design Tool that is Changing Typography As We Know It
We often get original fonts from clients without any file. We do our best to match the font, but without the original art it’s time consuming. Now we can replicate fonts quickly with Spector, a handheld tool that takes a photo and uploads the font directly into InDesign. This gadget can even download any color and convert it to CMYK or RGB within InDesign as well.
Artificial Intelligence in Advertising
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the web thanks to various companies, including Google. AI in the tech world is a supercomputer of connected hardware and software that mimicks the networks of neurons inside a human mind creating a system that analyzes information and learns.
The Dirty Little Secret About Ad Blocking
Ad blockers are causing a stir in the advertising industry and don’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. Consumers are using them, publishers are trying to stop them, and advertisers are panicking, all while ad blockers seem to be reaping the rewards.
Smart Creative Makes An Impact
My son seems to be on every college mailing list in the country right now. Most of them say the same thing in the same format—a template letter with some type of glossy flyer or brochure. A few have invested more in higher end collateral, but most have pretty much a similar format.
Overcome Your Marketing Fears
Automation can be a terrifying concept to marketers that relish in having control over everything, especially with the overwhelming technology solutions that are available on the market.
Neuroscience Improves Marketing
The human mind is one of the last great frontiers in our society. The last few years, there have been great strides in understanding how the brain works. We are going to share the latest studies and news in neuroscience to help our clients better influence consumers through marketing.
Views are Worth More than Impressions
Ad Blocking Continues to Grow
Is ad blocking a threat or a beacon of regulation? Tensions are escalating in the advertising industry on this hot topic considering it cost publishers nearly $22 billion globally in 2015, rising to an estimated $41.4 billion in 2016. That’s a huge loss that cannot be ignored. Despite the controversy over whether online ads are intrusive, the rise in the ad blocking business continues to grow.
Why Wait Until the Super Bowl to Produce Great Work?
Why do so many brands wait until the Super Bowl to produce really fun or thought-provoking work? True, only some brands actually nail it, but at least they are all trying. The stakes are raised because everyone is trying to get the highest rated, most-talked about spot with such a huge audience, right?