It’s taken 75 years to prove that Brainstorming doesn’t really work. Anyone that’s really capable of generating ideas discovered this about 5 minutes after their first session, but if you ever said it out loud, especially in a big corporation, you risk sounding like a complete, self-righteous, egotistical ass.
It’s brilliant. Useful. Innovative. Durable. It’s cheap. It’s made out of cardboard. And it’s a bicycle. I first saw it on, and then I read about it in Fast Company.
Need creative inspiration? Don't be afraid to get dirty.
We used to run to survive. To catch dinner. Perhaps to escape someone chasing us with a club. Fast forward a few centuries and now we run to stay in shape or to organize our thoughts. Talk about being born at the right time. But even for enthusiasts that live to put one foot after the other, mile after mile, running gets tedious sometimes. That’s why there are different distances, trails and races. It’s great motivation to set new goals for a new challenge.