We often get original fonts from clients without any file. We do our best to match the font, but without the original art it’s time consuming. Now we can replicate fonts quickly with Spector, a handheld tool that takes a photo and uploads the font directly into InDesign. This gadget can even download any color and convert it to CMYK or RGB within InDesign as well.
Artificial Intelligence in Advertising
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the web thanks to various companies, including Google. AI in the tech world is a supercomputer of connected hardware and software that mimicks the networks of neurons inside a human mind creating a system that analyzes information and learns.
A heads-up for hedge funds
It’s been more than a year since the SEC approved Rule 506 of Reg. D permitting the use of general solicitation and advertising. Broadstone Net Lease, a growing REIT, wasted little time thereafter marketing to new investors lowering their minimum from $500k to $250k and admitted approximately 300 new investors.
Most of us are inspired by the underdog. Very few would choose to be one.
I’ve been completely humbled by the stories behind the athletes at the summer Olympics. A silver-haired 39-year old gymnast who can still hold himself parallel to the ground. A mother of twins who came back to win gold after not placing in the previous two Olympics.
Need creative inspiration? Don't be afraid to get dirty.
We used to run to survive. To catch dinner. Perhaps to escape someone chasing us with a club. Fast forward a few centuries and now we run to stay in shape or to organize our thoughts. Talk about being born at the right time. But even for enthusiasts that live to put one foot after the other, mile after mile, running gets tedious sometimes. That’s why there are different distances, trails and races. It’s great motivation to set new goals for a new challenge.
Stack Me Up
When we launched this site a friend of mine who ran a large company said, “I thought you own an ad agency?” This was before even a small handful of shops even had internal content labs. That was the thinking back then. Now it’s completely different of course.
Here goes...
The world doesn’t need another Blog. Or another Blogger. The fact that the term, “Blogosphere” (originally coined as a joke by Brad Graham) exists at all pretty much sums up that there are more than enough people chatting away out there. And let’s not even get into lamer terms like “Bloggernacle.” But here I am…Blogging -- For the infinitesimal amount of people that may be remotely interested in finding out a bit more about some of my thoughts. For the record, my preference is to do the live thing, so feel free to give me a call if you want to discuss my work, our agency’s original content projects or your thoughts on the industry that sometimes changes the way people think.
A Blog is one of the purest forms of communication on the Internet. It’s also a tool for shameless self-promotion. Since I’m a practicing reductionist, let’s get the shameless part over with first for those that may want to see how we work, so we can we get into broader communications stuff. We’ll at least showcase some of our traditional work with more personal background than most people include. If you can’t get enough go to Looneyadvertising.com