It’s taken 75 years to prove that Brainstorming doesn’t really work. Anyone that’s really capable of generating ideas discovered this about 5 minutes after their first session, but if you ever said it out loud, especially in a big corporation, you risk sounding like a complete, self-righteous, egotistical ass.
Artificial Intelligence in Advertising
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the web thanks to various companies, including Google. AI in the tech world is a supercomputer of connected hardware and software that mimicks the networks of neurons inside a human mind creating a system that analyzes information and learns.
Overcome Your Marketing Fears
Automation can be a terrifying concept to marketers that relish in having control over everything, especially with the overwhelming technology solutions that are available on the market.
Ad Blocking Continues to Grow
Is ad blocking a threat or a beacon of regulation? Tensions are escalating in the advertising industry on this hot topic considering it cost publishers nearly $22 billion globally in 2015, rising to an estimated $41.4 billion in 2016. That’s a huge loss that cannot be ignored. Despite the controversy over whether online ads are intrusive, the rise in the ad blocking business continues to grow.
Why Wait Until the Super Bowl to Produce Great Work?
Why do so many brands wait until the Super Bowl to produce really fun or thought-provoking work? True, only some brands actually nail it, but at least they are all trying. The stakes are raised because everyone is trying to get the highest rated, most-talked about spot with such a huge audience, right?
Most of us are inspired by the underdog. Very few would choose to be one.
I’ve been completely humbled by the stories behind the athletes at the summer Olympics. A silver-haired 39-year old gymnast who can still hold himself parallel to the ground. A mother of twins who came back to win gold after not placing in the previous two Olympics.