When we launched this site a friend of mine who ran a large company said, “I thought you own an ad agency?” This was before even a small handful of shops even had internal content labs. That was the thinking back then. Now it’s completely different of course.
StackMeUp.com is a great tool to understand human behavior. If we get enough traffic it will be a better way to target people psychographically (in aggregate since all the data is private of course). Our SEO guru, Michael Nasello has helped tremendously with traffic, but we’ve learned that we have to make some fundamental changes to the site, add an app or two, some more content then start our viral promotion campaign. And that’s the whole point, it forces us to think from a client’s POV since it’s our budget before with think like a marketer. It’s helped us maintain our learning in the social media space, since this site is a social media community we built from scratch.
StackMeUp.com has millions of bits of data (40k megs of data) that can answer hundreds of questions within seconds. It puts people in the know about everything include income, real estate values, body part size, health statistics, we hope to add a great deal more. People don’t have time for a dozen micro-sites, just a couple macro-sites that give them more, faster. When I first had this idea the first person I hired to help compile the data said, “This is going to take you a very long time, you’re crazy”. She was right of course. But years later, even if the site never pulls real traffic, we can say we did it. And I already know we’re better off for having tried.